The Finnish Kundalini Yoga Association represents KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) certified Kundalini Yoga – Kundalini Yoga to awaken the capacities of the human potential. The Association provides information about teacher trainings and kundalini yoga events. You can find more information about kundalini yoga in English through the following links:
🔗3HO International
🔗Kundalini Reseach Institute (KRI)
🔗3HO Summer Solstice Festival
🔗European Yoga Festival
🔗3HO International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA)
🔗White Tantric Yoga
🔗Yoga Alliance
Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness. Our Association shares kundalini yoga teachings revised by Kundalini Research Institute, KRI.
The members of the Association have united their efforts to create this website aiming to the following goals:
1) To support and promote the development of spiritual consciousness and a healthy lifestyle
2) To share these techniques and teachings with everyone seeking for personal growth and truth.
The Association and it’s members are leading different activities, some of them are related to the education of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, others are related to charity projects and, in these ways, the association is contributing to the society in Finland and abroad.
In an honest, open and humble manner the Association is serving the purpose of creating the conditions to spread the knowledge and the spiritual science of this yoga tradition.
The times we live now are pushing all of us to encounter our own inner center, strength and wisdom. The Association and the members are working with discipline and commitment on this task.
Nowadays we are facing different challenges and an increasing planetary crisis within the frame of our culture and mentality. The shape of our identity is reaching new forms.
The inspiration of our quest is to re-establish the connection to the Spirit as the root of life. Yoga means union.
Through our service, we are engaging all our human resources and entrusting our effort to the Divine, to serve our society and to help make this a place where our children can live in peace, love and prosperity.
Yours in Service,
The Finnish Kundalini Yoga Association
Contact Information: skjyinfo (at)